Really excited to be taking on the Head of SEO & Marketing role at Medbelle. My goal? 300% Organic growth in 12 months. A big challenge… but doable.
Week 3 and so far
a. Have completed user personas and redone 5% of our Adwords ads based on these. 200% improvement in CTR and Keyword Quality Score up from 6 to 8. That’s what I’m talking about! Loving having a hypothesis, testing it, and seeing it work. Rolling this out across all campaigns.
b. 250% increase in Organic traffic. So much more to do here – it’s a huge increase from a tiny base… but the numbers are impressive.
c. Next, a new website design, complete new functionality, new CMS etc.
d. A review of automated marketing, content, etc.
e. A PR campaign starting in July 2019.
F. A focus on getting our most important keywords to page one of Google. A week ago our Liposuction page was not in the top 100, now it’s top 10. Yeah baby!
Super nice company, a young but very engaged team, living my best life.
Week 8
a. Organic traffic exploding. 5X traffic, many top 5 positions for competitive keyphrases.
Week 24.
a. Organic off the charts. 10x when I started, from 8% of total traffic to 30% and that’s with a 50% increase in Adwords traffic to boot.
b. Cost per lead halved since March.