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So far MarketingGuy.tv has created 22 blog entries.
25 11, 2020

Native Advertising – Just shock junk and Arbitrage Schemes

By |2020-11-25T17:45:36+00:00November 25th, 2020|Marketing Strategies Deconstructed|Comments Off on Native Advertising – Just shock junk and Arbitrage Schemes

When I look at Taboola Ads – it seems a mess of Arbitrage and Shock advertising. I open up any news site and am bombarded with mountains of this junk advertising.

In 2007 Google shut down sites using Arbitrage to game their system. eg. Sites Paying 2 cents for a […]

25 11, 2020

FutureLearn Careers

By |2020-11-25T17:33:41+00:00November 25th, 2020|Case Studies|Comments Off on FutureLearn Careers

I’ve been working on a new website whose focus is to help people find a career that matches their skills, attributes, interests and personality. Beta launch today, with 30 or so popular careers, but with many more to come.

Currently, I am building a scoring system that will allow people to answer a few questions about […]

25 11, 2020
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Check your backlinks, are actually backlinks

By |2020-11-25T17:26:22+00:00November 25th, 2020|News|Comments Off on Check your backlinks, are actually backlinks

When I first started doing SEO back in 1999 (Yep) SEO people quickly realised links were important.  In those days it was the wild wild west of link building.  Link buying, exchanges, hidden links.  Links in footers from web developers, links in widgets.  Just about everything worked.  Google was not really checking whether links were […]

25 11, 2019
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What are the most important SEO Factors?

By |2019-11-25T15:23:55+00:00November 25th, 2019|Marketing Strategies Deconstructed|Comments Off on What are the most important SEO Factors?

I get this question asked more often than any other.  Additionally, when I analyse the SEO issue of a client’s website I am often asked to provide a weighting of the problems.  What should be tackled first, what is going to have the biggest impact.

Both are fair questions and it’s true some SEO factors have […]

13 11, 2019
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Making a Super SEO Friendly Directory using Wordpress

By |2021-12-10T09:19:15+00:00November 13th, 2019|Marketing Strategies Deconstructed|Comments Off on Making a Super SEO Friendly Directory using Wordpress

I’ve made some videos detailing how some of the big players in directory, aggregator and marketplace niches have been able to optimise their SEO.

Their sites are super fast, page rank is funnelled and hoarded and Google Crawl Budget is closely guarded.

All doable when you have a big budget, and a big programming team.  But what […]

23 08, 2019

Deconstructing Deliveroo Germany’s Digital Marketing Strategy

By |2022-04-03T12:54:45+00:00August 23rd, 2019|Marketing Strategies Deconstructed|0 Comments

I’ve spent a bit of time in the Food Marketplace niche the result being it’s an area which holds my interest.  Recently things have got even more exciting with lots of change – things are heating up!  Long gone are the glory days of seemingly never-ending rounds of investor funding to fuel growth.  Crazy spending […]

2 04, 2019

A new role for me – Head of SEO & Marketing for Medbelle

By |2022-08-10T17:45:41+00:00April 2nd, 2019|News|Comments Off on A new role for me – Head of SEO & Marketing for Medbelle

Really excited to be taking on the Head of SEO & Marketing role at Medbelle.  My goal?  300% Organic growth in 12 months.  A big challenge… but doable.

Week 3 and so far

a. Have completed user personas and redone 5% of our Adwords ads based on these.  200% improvement in CTR and Keyword Quality Score up […]

31 01, 2019
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Onpage SEO & Technical Issues – Deliveroo Germany | Video 3

By |2019-02-06T12:04:53+00:00January 31st, 2019|Marketing Strategies Deconstructed|0 Comments

(Video reloaded due to sound issues with the original)

In looking at Deliveroo’s backlinks and objectively comparing them with their opposition, it became clear to me Deliveroo Germany both has LESS links than the opposition, and less DIVERSITY in their links as well.  Their back-links are mainly from restaurants, where the oppositions have restaurant back-links(more) but […]

31 01, 2019
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Backlinks and Keywords – Deliveroo Germany – Video 2

By |2019-02-01T11:48:48+00:00January 31st, 2019|Marketing Strategies Deconstructed|0 Comments

Back-links and rankings were once almost able to be linearly graphed.  The more back-links your website had, the more keywords your website could rank for… and the higher they would rank.  Deep-linking proved useful, anchor texts were important.  The amount of links, rather than the quality was the main factor.

Now?  Things are just as clear, […]

31 01, 2019
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The Adwords Campaigns of Deliveroo Germany – Video 1

By |2019-02-12T11:31:05+00:00January 31st, 2019|Marketing Strategies Deconstructed|0 Comments

For many businesses, Adwords is their most important channel.  Why So?

  • It brings the most amount of leads/sales.  This is critical both in the growth phases, and profit phases of a business
  • It enables the marketing team to quickly determine, which keywords convert best, helping the organic marketing team direct their efforts.
  • It enables fast […]
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